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URGENT: Help Us Save Newborn Calves – Give Them a Chance at Life

by The Calf Rescue Coalition – New South Wales


A heartbreaking reality is unfolding behind closed doors on a dairy farm in New South Wales. Newborn calves, some barely hours old, are being killed simply because they are seen as worthless. Deemed too costly to keep alive, especially the males who cannot produce milk, these innocent lives are discarded. We cannot turn a blind eye to this cruelty.

An anonymous source has bravely reached out, revealing the shocking truth of what is happening to these fragile babies. It is a tragedy that we cannot ignore. We must act now to save as many as we can.

Over the coming months, we will rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome as many of these calves as possible. Our goal is to rescue 15 newborn calves to start. We are preparing to welcome them into our newly opened New South Wales Sanctuary and Foster Station, where they will receive the care and love they deserve. Once strong enough, they will be placed into safe, loving homes as pets around three months of age.

This mission is urgent. Many of these calves have not received vital colostrum in the first 24 hours of life, weakening their immune systems. With your support, we can provide them with the care they need to survive and thrive.

The cost to rescue, care for, and rehome each calf is approximately $1,800, but every donation helps. Here’s how you can make a difference:

$25 – Buys 1 bale of hay
$60 – Feeds one calf for a week
$240 – Feeds one calf for a month
$400 – Provides care and feeding equipment (feeding stations, buckets, bedding, etc.)
$500 – Contributes to veterinary care, medications, and health treatment
$1,800 – Rescues, cares for, and rehomes one calf
The methods used to kill newborn calves in the dairy industry are shocking and cruel, including blunt-force trauma and firearms. These methods are a deeply painful and heartbreaking reality that must end.

Companion Cows, the charity behind this initiative, started after two special calves, Frankie and Fletcher, were saved from slaughter. These two calves, once seen as worthless, are now thriving and loved, inspiring a movement to protect others like them.

We don’t blame the farmers; we know that the system itself is flawed. But we will not stand by while innocent lives are lost. With your help, we can give these newborn calves the ultimate gift: life.

Please donate today to save as many newborn calves as possible. Together, we can make a world of difference for these fragile babies.

Your support is secure through Heart Giving Association, ensuring that your donation goes directly to verified causes.

Let’s give these calves the chance they deserve—help us rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome them, one step at a time.

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