Common questions and support documentation


O que é

O que é
Uma plataforma gratuita de crowdfunding para projetos socialmente conscientes, apoiando indivíduos, organizações sem fins lucrativos e empresas sociais globalmente.

É uma Empresa Social?
Sim, ela foca na comunidade e no impacto social junto com objetivos financeiros.

O modelo “Keep 100%” permite que você mantenha todas as doações; os doadores cobrem as taxas e podem optar por apoiar a

Quem usa o crowdfunding?

Campanhas comuns em

Organizações sem fins lucrativos e empresas sociais que buscam financiamento para projetos ou programas de causas sociais.
Indivíduos arrecadando fundos para um amigo, familiar, colega ou animal de estimação doente.
Indivíduos ou equipes fazendo desafios para arrecadar fundos para instituições de caridade ou organizações sem fins lucrativos.

Quem são os parceiros da

Quem são os parceiros da
Nossos parceiros e investidores incluem:

Sócio Fundador
A Visionary Foundation nos apoia no fortalecimento de mais projetos sociais australianos por meio da inovação no setor social.


Horizon Ventures: Investindo em australianos com ideias de classe mundial.
Alex Morgan: Cofundador de várias startups de sucesso e investidor em múltiplos empreendimentos.

Legal Considerations for Campaigns:

Raffles/Lottery: Check local regulations as permits may be required.
Financial Value/Equity: Not allowed on our platform.
Sponsorship/Benefit: Displaying corporate logos may require charging VAT on donations.
Charity Confirmation: Always get written consent from the charity you’re fundraising for.
General Advice: Review local guidelines for legal requirements specific to your campaign.

For Campaigners

Which countries can I run a campaign in?

Supported Countries on
Australia; Austria; Belgium;  Brazil; Canada; Denmark; Estonia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hong Kong; Ireland; Italy; Latvia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; United Kingdom; United States.

Campaigns use the local currency but can accept donations globally. A bank account and address in the chosen country are required. Campaigns outside these countries must be run via a resident partner or individual in a supported country.

What types of campaigns does accept?

Eligibility for Campaigns:
To run a campaign, you must:

Fundraise for a social, environmental, political, community, or First Nations cause.
Have a bank account and ID in an eligible country.
Ensure your campaign does not:
Harm or oppress marginalized groups.
Deny widely accepted scientific views.
Conflict with our social cause areas (e.g., opposing refugees, climate action, or marriage equality).
Campaigns involving raffles, firearms, or financial products (debt, equity, profit shares) are not allowed due to legal restrictions.

We accept campaigns from individuals, social enterprises, non-profits, religious groups, for-profits, and community groups, provided they meet these criteria.

For Donors

Are donations tax-deductible?

Tax deductibility depends on:

The receiving organization.
The donor’s location.
Whether a perk or reward was given for the donation.

Safety and Security

We prioritize the security of your financial data. All pages are served over a secure HTTPS connection, indicated by a padlock symbol in your browser.

Payments made with credit or debit cards are processed by our PCI-compliant partners, Stripe and PayPal. We do not store any credit card details on our servers.

For more on security measures, refer to Stripe and PayPal.

Do I have to sign up to donate?

No, you don’t need an account to contribute to projects.

We store your email and name to keep records, provide support, and answer any questions about your donation. This also allows campaign managers to send updates directly to your email.

Payment Methods

Campaigners can choose the payment methods they offer, including:

Credit and debit card payments via Stripe
PayPal (requires a PayPal Business account)
Apple Pay and Google Pay
Not all campaigners offer all methods, but we recommend it for ease. If only PayPal is offered, donors can still contribute using PayPal’s credit/debit card form. We advise offering card payments through Stripe for better support with payment-related inquiries.

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