our story

We’re building a transparent, inspiring & personalised way to make change

Why we started?

When you notice something in your community that needs to change, what do you do?

Do you shout at the TV, thinking ‘someone should do something about this’? Or perhaps you vent online about how broken the system is and how people just don’t ‘get it’?

What if, instead of that, we all stepped up to take action—big or small?

Around the world, millions of people are already doing exactly that. We created Heart Giving Association for them. To make fundraising incredibly simple. To help them find a supportive community of like-minded individuals. And to provide everyone with a more transparent and effective way to create the world we want to see.





What we've been up to

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March 2018

The ‘Give Together’ idea is born

The light bulb moment that started it all, paving the way for what would become the Heart Giving Association.

August 2018

We begin building ‘Give Together’

The first line of code is written!

April 2019

Hello Sunday Morning partners with us

Our first campaign on ‘Give Together’ helps Australia rethink its drinking habits.

June 2019

We’re thrilled to receive $460K

We secure a partnership with our first supporters, The Telstra Foundation.

August 2019

‘HeartGivingAssociation.org’ launches

After a rebrand and relaunch, HeartGivingAssociation.org officially goes public.

December 2019

$12K raised in 45 hours

‘The Community Garden’ by Alex becomes our first campaign to reach $8K, bringing hope to many.

February 2020

HeartGivingAssociation raise $64K

‘Raising the Roof’ campaign run by Kyle funds a new home for the much-loved animal sanctuary.

January 2021

HeartGivingAssociation.org opens internationally

Campaigners in the US, UK, and EU can now be HeartGivers.

March 2021

+ Rebeca Marketing

August 2021

We become Portugal’s 1st Social Benefit Company

We invent a new structure for Social Enterprise to enshrine our purpose as we scale globally.

September 2021

+ Dave Engineering

December 2021

New campaign record set

The biggest campaign yet on HeartGivingAssociation.org breaks through $214,000, after raising $106,000 in 4 days.

January 2022

+ 50,000 Donors

March 2022

Community workshops launch

Pioneering in Perth, we discover our passionate and personable community leader Heikko.

July 2022

We expand worldwide

With HeartGivingAssociation.org opening to Austria, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

September 2022

Our 1st UK events begin!

With workshops in 23 UK cities, we get to know the UK train network very well.

December 2022

+ Carl Helpdesk

January 2023

‘The Academy’ launches

An online learning resource to help campaigners learn tips and tricks from the best.

June 2023

Providing a basic human right

‘Clean Water for Puerto Rico’ gives hope to many by providing access to safe drinking water after Hurricane.

September 2023

+ 100,000 Donors

December 2023

Workshops held in 7 countries

We run over 60 community workshops in over 40 cities in 7 countries.

April 2024

World 1st team building tool

We create the simplest tool yet to build a team for your campaign and raise more funds.

July 2024

+ Bob Design

To be Continued…

Whats next?

We’d love for you to help us steer our future vision, and help us build a platform that connects like-minded people who want to be part of taking action to make the world better. With you on board, we can get there much faster.

©2024 Heart Giving Association. All Rights Reserved

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